Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact you?
You can contact me on 07799 533520 or via email on
If I am unavailable then please leave a message with your name and contact details and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

What experience of counselling and psychotherapy do you have?
I began working as a counsellor for Wandsworth Bereavement Service in 1996 and continued my work there until 2003. I qualified as a Psychotherapist in 2001 and gained my UKCP registration in 2003. Whilst maintaining a busy private practice since 2003 I have also worked for 3 years in a private psychiatric hospital setting as an Integrative Psychotherapist, running groups and seeing clients one to one. More recently I have worked for 6 years as a Counsellor and Trauma Therapist within Occupational Health at Transport for London and for an EAP offering trauma therapy to police, ambulance and fire service personnel.

What are your professional qualifications?
I have a Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy, from the Centre for counselling and Psychotherapy Education CCPE Link, London, which is a member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. UKCP Link
I have also completed my EMDR Level 1 to 4 training and have subsequently attained EMDR Practitioner status.EMDR Link

Are you accredited by a professional organisation?
I have been registered with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy UKCP Link since 2003 and I am bound by the UKCP code of ethics in my therapeutic practice. I receive regular supervision of my work in line with the standards set by the UKCP and I am committed to regular professional training and personal development.

Where are you located?
My private practice is located in Olivwer's Battery, Winchester, Hampshire and is accessible via the No5 bus and a 10 minute walk or by car. There are no parking restrictions. I am also a short drive from Junction 11 on the M3 which means I am easily accessible from Southampton, Portsmouth, Basingstoke and the surrounding areas.

How long do sessions last?
A session is 50 minutes long and begins at the time booked. Sessions are normally arranged on a weekly basis, at the same time & place.
EMDR sessions can be up to 1hr 15 minutes.

What is EMDR?
EMDR is an acronym for Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing. It is a therapeutic method which uses bilateral stimulation to help patients remove negative associations with past and present experiences. EMDR along with CBT is recognised by the NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) Guidelines as the treatment of choice for Trauma. However, EMDR practitioners have also reported successful outcomes in working with: Depression, Panic, Phobias, Performance Anxiety, Stress, Pain Disorders, Eating Disorders and Addictions amongst others. Click on the EMDR Link to find out more.

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